La presente investigación pretende analizar la relación que existe entre el ajuste personal, medido a través de la autoestima y la satisfacción personal y la conducta agresiva en adolescentes. Hemos aplicado a 771 adolescentes de 11 a 17 años de centros escolares de Valencia, la Escala Multidimensional de Autoconcepto, la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y, la Escala de Conducta Violenta en la Escuela. Los resultados indican que la autoestima y la satisfacción mantienen una relación estrecha con la conducta agresiva. Concretamente en la autoestima, al emplear una medida multidimensional, hemos hallado una relación positiva entre el comportamiento agresivo y la autoestima social, emocional y física y una relación inversa con los dominios académico y familiar. De este modo, el ajuste personal, constituye un excelente predictor del comportamiento agresivo y, a la vez, son factores protectores de los problemas de conducta relacionados con la agresividad durante la adolescencia.
Palabras clave: Ajuste Personal, Autoestima, Satisfacción, agresividad reactiva.
Abstract: In order to study the Personal Adjustment related to the Aggressive Behavior, we applied the Multidimensional Self Concept Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale and Violent Behavior Scale on 771 subjects, of which 354 were men and 409 were women, with ages between 11 and 17 years, all of them students’ schools belonging to the province of Valencia. The results indicate that self-esteem and satisfaction are closely associated with aggressive behavior. Specifically esteem by employing a multidimensional measure, we found a positive relationship between aggressive behavior and social, emotional and physical self-esteem and an inverse relationship with the academic and family domains. Thus, personal adjustment is an excellent predictor of aggressive behavior and, in turn, are protective factors related behavior problems with aggression during adolescence.
Keywords: Personal Adjustment, self-esteem, satisfaction, reactive aggressive behavior.