Bullying and cyberbullying at school: law enforcement and prevention strategies


  • Anna Maria Altieri Universidad de Jaén y Universidad de Cassino y Sur de Lacio


bullying, cyberbullying, school, prevention, contrast


The phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying at school age has taken on increasing proportions and severity, which worries parents, teachers and the whole society.

Schools are often involved in managing cases of abuse, agitation and suffering within the peer group.

It is essential not only to know the aspects that characterize the phenomenon, distinguishing it from generic forms of arrogance among peers, but also to identify the operational strategies that can help to counteract it and, above all, to prevent it.

The present study is in this perspective.


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Author Biography

Anna Maria Altieri, Universidad de Jaén y Universidad de Cassino y Sur de Lacio

Anna Maria Altieri was born in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (EC), on 10/05/1972, and is a resident of Rome.


- Diploma in Pedagogy, obtained at the University of Cassino, on 22/07/1998, with marks 110/110;

- Diploma in Philosophy, obtained at the University of Cassino, on 21/11/2000, with 108/110 marks;

- Diploma in Conservatory, ten-year course in Piano major, obtained at the Conservatory "O. Respighi", Latina, on 29/10/1996, with marks 8.60/10 (having the value of a degree);

- University Course of Specialization on the annual "Directive and inspection function in schools", obtained at the University of Florence, 03/06/2000;

- University Master’s Course on "Curricular Planning and Educational Communication in the School of Autonomy", obtained at the University of Florence, 26/05/2001;

- University Course on "Evaluation of learning and self-evaluation of the Institute in the school of autonomy", obtained at the University of Roma Tre, 11/02/2006.


- Winner of the ordinary competition for exams and qualifications for access to the provincial roles of primary teachers, published with D.M. 23/03/1990;

- Habilitation to the teaching in the secondary school of second degree, for the class of competition A037- Philosophy and History (O.M. 33/2000) with Decree of 02/07/2001;

- Winner of the selective competition training course for the recruitment of school managers for primary and secondary school and upper secondary and educational institutions, referred to in D.D. G. 22/11/2004.


- Certificate of Cultore of the Matter, for activity carried out near the Chair of History of the school and the educational institutions, near the University of the Studies of Cassino, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, in the a.a. 2000/2001;


- Head of school since 01/09/2007, at State institutions, compulsory education, Rome

- Primary school teacher with permanent contract, from 01/09/1991 to 31/08/2007.


- Admission, in April 2022, to the program of "Doctorado en Innovación Didáctica y Formación del Profesorado, at the PhD School of the Spanish State University of Jaén, with research project on the discriminatory phenomenon in school age.

- Admission, in April 2023, to the PhD thesis cotutela, at the University of Cassino, for the issuance of the double PhD degree, having value both in Spain and in Italy.


- Publication of the study "The education of women in the eighteenth century in Naples", on the Dossier Archeoclub d'Italia, Latius Novum Cassino, "Universitas Civium"- 2001.


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